As technology evolves, so does the way we learn. E-learning has become one of the most popular methods of learning, and for a good reason. It allows students to learn at their own pace and in their own style. Additionally, it provides educators with various tools to engage students in learning. This article will discuss some of the top e-learning trends that can help schools and educators create a more stimulating learning environment.
E-Learning Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
It is no secret that the education sector had faced a lot of challenges at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning institutions were prompted to change how instruction and teaching are carried out. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced schools and educators to get creative with their instruction. To some countries, this was less stressful, but to others, it was more than disruptive. Schools, universities, and other educational institutions soon shifted teaching and learning online, or what is now more known as e-learning. While this was not ideal, it has allowed students to continue learning despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.
The conventional chalk-and-talk approach of education has been replaced by a technology-based one. As such, the sector with the greatest potential for growth and technological advancement is now the e-learning and educational technology industry. In fact, according to Statistica, the global e-learning market is predicted to reach approximately $400 billion by 2026.
However, one of the biggest challenges of e-learning is keeping students engaged. This can be difficult when students are not in a physical classroom with their peers and teachers. However, there are some things that schools and educators can do to increase student engagement in e-learning. For instance, they can use top e-learning trends to create a more interactive and stimulating learning experience.
Top e-learning Trends
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in E-Learning
One of the most popular e-learning trends is using VR and AR technology. This type of technology can be used to create a more immersive and interactive learning experience. For instance, VR can be used to create a simulated environment for students to learn in. This can be particularly beneficial for students who are visual learners. Additionally, AR can be used to overlay digital information on top of the real world. This can be helpful for students who are trying to learn about a particular concept or subject.
Game-based Learning
Another one of the top e-learning trends that educators can use is a gamified learning environment. Gamification in education has already proven to be an effective strategy for raising student engagement, and it’s becoming more and more popular for a number of factors. Incorporating game-like elements satisfies students’ educational needs in an enjoyable learning environment. Additionally, it incorporates a crucial element of pleasure to maintain kids’ interest.
This technique might make even the most boring and challenging subjects more interesting. Thanks to components like points, awards, and presents, students keep coming back in pursuit of more. Gamification in education is a great technique to boost the quantity of content you can consume and positively impacts student motivation.
Microlearning is a relatively new way to learn. This method breaks up large chunks of information into smaller, more manageable pieces. In the digital age, when people’s attention spans are getting shorter, this is deemed to be very helpful. The amount of content is greatly reduced by filtering the information. Conceptual knowledge building is a very effective way to teach. By simplifying and presenting information clearly, students will learn faster and better.
One thing to note is that this works well in a virtual classroom. Microlearning can also help students recover from academic gaps or learning losses. By employing this method, students will be freed from having to read long, complicated content.
Blended Learning
Another top e-learning trend is blended learning. Blended learning is a mix of face-to-face and online instruction. This type of instruction can be beneficial for students who learn best in different ways. For instance, some students may benefit from the structure of a face-to-face classroom, while others may benefit from the flexibility of online learning.
Educational Technology in the Form of Mobile Apps
Mobile apps are also becoming increasingly popular in e-learning. In fact, eLearning apps were found to be one of the most downloaded categories on mobile phones. This is because they offer a number of benefits, such as the ability to learn anywhere and anytime. Additionally, mobile apps can be very interactive and engaging for students. They can also be personalized to meet the needs of each individual student.
Thanks to mobile apps, it has never been easier to use a smartphone to get to high-quality educational content than it is today. These apps will let students learn at their own pace and in an environment that is perfect for them. Students will be drawn to online learning platforms that have these unique features.
Artificial Intelligence
Lastly, artificial intelligence is also starting to become a more common feature in e-learning. Artificial intelligence can be used to create personalized learning experiences for students. Additionally, it can be used to provide real-time feedback and assess student progress.
Some experts believe that artificial intelligence will completely revolutionize education. Dr. Vijayan K. Asari, Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Dayton said that with the help of AI-based language translators, students from all over the world, even those who speak different languages, can have access to global classrooms. This would back up the idea of global enrollment, which would eliminate international barriers in education and bring more students into online classes. This can help ensure that even rural areas in developing countries can get a good education.
Aside from that AI systems can make educational institutions more efficient by helping with things like admissions, budgeting, enrollments, course organization, and managing facilities. AI systems can help students figure out what majors they will do well in based on what they already know about their skills and talents. This would change how college students choose what they want to study in the future.
As you can see, there are a number of top e-learning trends that educators need to be aware of. These trends can help increase student engagement and improve the quality of education.
Schools and educators need to be aware of the top e-learning trends in order to create a more engaging and effective learning environment. Using some of the latest e-learning tools and trends can increase student engagement and motivation. What are some of the top e-learning trends that you have seen? Let us know in the comments below!